It's an illusion!
At least, that's what Doug Henning would say.
Hey, look, it's been a rough month. What with the elections, the holiday and NaNoWriMo, you've had a lot going on. I mean, a lot.
No matter who you wanted to win the Presidential Elections this year, the campaign has been brutal. And, frankly, I think the next four years are going to be chaotic, challenging and a little frightening for a lot of us. Then, there's the stress of the Thanksgiving holiday. I mean, c'mon, dinner with the family is never easy, is it? And, finally, if you're participating in National Novel Writing Month, you've been churning out words as fast as you can, racing to that deadline.
And, by the way, if you are doing NaNoWriMo then you should be getting near the end of your novel. I don't mean to panic you, but there's really only a couple of days left. Less than a week, actually.
So, no matter what's been going on, you deserve a little break. A chance to just veg out a little and sit like a stupid lump and stare at something cool. Good news! I've got just the thing! Ten optical illusions that will blow your mind over at the Huffington Post. Seriously, these are pretty cool and a great way to let your brain slip into neutral for a little bit so you can recharge before getting back to that big project of yours, NaNoWriMo manuscript or whatever you might be working on.
Go ahead and take a break. It's a holiday and you deserve it!
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