Camera Porn

Submitted by JKHoffman on

By now, dear readers, you both should know that I'm "into" photography.

Now, I'm not really into collecting cameras, though, I will admit that I have several.  And, I only shoot digital, because, frankly, film is kind of a hassle these days and I just never really had the time, patience or money all at once to learn enough about film to develop my own.  And, let's face it, if I'm not developing my own photos, it seems like a waste of time to shoot film to me.  But, with that said, I actually own more film cameras than I do digital cameras!
Also, I'm a pretty visual person, and one of my favorite ways to waste time is to browse through huge sets of photos.  One of my favorite subjects lately is "camera porn"

So, what's "camera porn"?  Well, one great example is Tokyo Camera Style.  Another is the Camera Porn Tumblog.  And, of course, there are many groups on Flickr for camera porn, most notably the camera_porn group and the confusingly similarly named cameraporn group, both of which have literally tens of thousands of member submitted photos of cameras.  I could spend hours just flipping past one photo of these unique cameras after another.

And, now, if you're into photography or cameras, you can too!
Besides, what else would you do on the Friday of a short week?!
(Oh, one note about this month, I'm getting married on Saturday 9/28, so I'll probably not post anything the last two weeks of this month.  You may need to find your Friday entertainment elsewhere for those two weeks!)


Submitted by DrupalAdmin on Fri, 09/06/2013 - 07:20

In reply to by DrupalAdmin


[…] Now, I’m not really into collecting cameras, though, I will admit that I have several.  And, I only shoot digital, because, frankly, film is kind of a hassle these days and I just never really had the time, patience or money all at once to learn enough about film to develop my own.  And, let’s face it, if I’m developing my own photos, it seems like a waste of… Read More […]