Photography Cheat Sheets

Submitted by JKHoffman on

One-page short-cuts to basic photographic knowledge.

Well, after last week, I can tell you that I'm eager to get out and get shooting!
But, I'm also really rusty.  I mean, it's been so long since I was shooting photos regularly that I'm not sure I know an aperture from an f-stop!  It's bad.  Really bad.  Thankfully, I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one, because the fine people at the Photo Argus shared a post filled with links to Photography Cheat Sheets.  They've got cheat sheets to help you with everything from the absolute basis of aperture and ISO and shutter speed to helpful hints for night photography to detailed hints for everything from available light exposure to wedding photography.
I may not always have my cheat sheets out where other photographers can see them, but, I promise you, I almost always have at least one in my camera bag so I can look at it before I take my lens cap off and start shooting!

So, if, like me, one of your creative goals for the year was to shoot more and better photos, why not give yourself a little help and go download one or more of these photography cheat sheets to help you make some better photos?  You'll be just in time for the weekend if you do it now!


Submitted by DrupalAdmin on Fri, 01/10/2014 - 06:37

In reply to by DrupalAdmin


[…] Well, after last week, I can tell you that I’m eager to get out and get shooting! But, I’m also really rusty.  I mean, it’s been so long since I was shooting photos regularly that I’m not sure I know an aperture from an f-stop!  It’s bad.  Really bad.  Thankfully, I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only one, because the fine people at the Photo Argus shared a post filled with links to Photography Cheat… Read More […]