I've talked a lot about writing this month, so this week, I thought I'd throw in some more photography stuff.
I've actually had these links for some time, but I have never gotten around to either sharing them or even actually trying them myself. Still, I've never let a lack of personal experience with something stop me from recommending it to others, so I don't see why I should keep me from sharing these two links.
First, there's a tutorial on how to make a cloud from DIYPhotography.net. The basics are pretty simple. Just inflate several balloons and tape them together to make the rough shape of your "prefect" cloud. Then, like most of us did in grade school at some point, cover that over with paper mache. Let that dry and harden, then use some good, strong spray-on adhesive and attach polyester fiber (ie. pillow stuffing) and let dry again. The end result is something that should look like a pretty good cloud which can be used as set decoration or a prop.
One note, though, it can be delicate with just one layer of paper mache, but multiple layers get pretty heavy, pretty quickly, so it may take a bit of experimentation to get the balance of weight to strength just right. Hit the link for more details and some fantastic photos of a completed cloud!
The other prop tutorial is over at Design*Sponge. It's a little more complicated, so I'll let you get the details at their site, but it's a tutorial for creating giant flower photographic props. The end result is pretty spectacular and surreal. Basically, the tutorial helps you take light-weight colored paper, various kinds of wire and glue, as well as some other odds and ends, and make several varieties of giant flower. The flowers they made are about the size of the model, so they're very tall, but, according to the article, are surprisingly light and easy to move around. Because of the skill involved, I imagine it would take some practice to get the techniques down, but the results seem well worth it. You really need to go take a look at the photos of the finished project to fully get the impact. I think you'll agree that the end result is pretty cool and fun and I may yet take a stab at this with the help of my blushing bride who is far more crafty than I am.
So, I hope these two tutorials have helped inspire you to try using or making some props to add a dash of something extra to your photography, especially your portrait photography, this weekend! Let me know in the comments if you try either of these or if you have any other projects like them that you'd like to share!