I was talking with my wife the other day about blogging.
I've been blogging since at least May of 2000. Â That means I've been blogging almost fifteen years at one of my several blogs; Diary of a Network Geek, The Fantasist's Scroll, or this site.
I guess that's kind of impressive. Â At least, she seemed kind of impressed.
Granted, I haven't been blogging here quite as regularly as I used to, but I have maintained that once-per-week schedule when many people I know who used to blog have given it up. Â And, of course, I also have a host of other sites like HavePalmWillTravel, from the days when I was a minor-league road-warrior and used my Palm IIIc more than I did my laptop. Â Or, my latest venture, FindMyPhotographer, which is still in progress and not quite read for "prime time" yet.
In that time, I've gone from hand-coding the individual HTML pages to using MoveableType and subsequently seen WordPress take dominance from them as the premier blogging/content management tool.
Things sure have changed in those almost fifteen years, but one constant has been my strange urge to share thoughts with the world at large. Â Honestly, since I think of myself as a pretty private person, I can't really explain it.
Anyway, I thought it was interesting that she thought my persistence was a strength, not a sign of lunacy.
It's one of the things I love about her.