Well, more like mitigating jetlag by controlling one of it's causes.
Mostly, we think of jetlag as being caused by lack of sleep or a disrupted sleep cycle. And, there certainly is validity to that, but it's not the only cause. It's also brought on because travel messes up our eating schedule. That, in turn, aggravates all the other effects of travel. The way to beat it, according to Jessica Coen of FlyGirl, a Gawker Media site dedicated to travel, is to fast for roughly 12-16 hours before what should be the normal breakfast time at your final destination. With long distances and time-zones, calculating that can get complicated. Luckily, they made a handy, web-based, calculator to help you figure it all out. Just type in your starting city, click the arrow and then type in your destination city and click the next arrow and the FlyGirl Anti-JetLag Calculator will tell you when to stop eating at your departure point and start eating again at your arrival point.
At least, that's the theory. Since I don't really travel much these days, I haven't tested it.
Also, as a side note, I'm testing a new bit of programming for the blog this week to help the search engines sort out where my writing originated from and where it's ended up. It's important only to Google, so you can mostly ignore it.
Have a great weekend!