Free Public Domain Photography Books

Submitted by JKHoffman on

You know how I like free.

I started out the year talking big about stepping up my photography, but, honestly, between a new job, my wife's business, and trying to refinance our house to get a better mortgage rate before they go up, I just haven't done that. I still intend to, eventually. Honest.
In the mean time, however, I have been stacking up ebooks on photography in my queue. I always hope that if I can read enough about the art and science of photography, I'll get motivated and get out with my camera more often. We'll see how that goes, especially considering how backed up my reading queue is these days. At least, I didn't spend a lot of money on my latest batch of photography books. And, if you're looking for some free alternatives to inspire your own photographic I have good news for you, Project Gutenberg has hundreds of free, public-domain photography books digitized for you to load up on. They have everything from the really old developing and printing processes that photographers used to use to books of actual photography for raw inspiration.

In any case, they're all free and, hopefully, interesting enough to get a fellow stuck photographer inspired enough to get going again.
Enjoy and we'll see you next week!


Submitted by DrupalAdmin on Fri, 03/31/2017 - 06:00

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