My creative blog posting well is dry.
So dry.
Seriously, if you count my original blog, I have been doing this blogging nonsense for almost 17 years. My first blog post went live May 4th, 2000. How crazy is that? Back then, I hand coded every page, making the HTML myself with Microsoft Notepad. Then, I installed Moveable Type. That was followed by a definite upgrade to WordPress during the great licensing debacle of 2004. So, yes, I've been using WordPress since version 1.2 A lot has changed since then, but I can tell you one thing that hasn't; the terrible struggle to create new and interesting content.
My wife, The Organizing Decorator, and I were talking about this very thing recently. She just finished moving her site to her own hosting and content management system, so that I wasn't responsible for her site as well as all of mine, and she told me how she need to stop tweaking and tampering with it. My response was that it was a lot easier to mess with formatting than it was to actually create content. And, after 17 years, I'm really feeling tapped out.
So, what's my response? To share with you two links about generating content!
First, a post from the very brainy and entrepreneurial Growth Lab titled How to find 20+ blog ideas your audience can’t wait to read. It's a process, but it's a process that will help you generate content tailored to your blog, brand, or business.
The other is How To Think Outside The Box with 200+ writing prompts by CoSchedule. And, it's just what it sounds like, a list of prompts with blanks to get you started on a blog post. They're pretty generic, but they may not all be applicable to your chosen subject matter.
Well, there you have it. Two links that are free and useful, if not exactly "fun" for non-bloggers or content producers.
Maybe I'll have something better for you next week.
Maybe not. Only time will tell.