For me, living aboard a space station is about the most fantastical thing imaginable.
I truly admire the brave people who risk their lives by exploring space. I really and truly believe that humankind's future is in space and off planet Earth. It's not that I'm a pessimist, because I'm not. I just believe, as does Stephan Hawking, that humanity shouldn't keep all our eggs in one basket. I think we need to reach far and wide, starting with space stations and moving to permanent settlements on other planets in our solar system. To me, it just makes sense.
That being said, I also recognize that I will never leave the planet of my birth, at least while I'm alive. In fact, in my lifetime, only a relatively few humans will ever leave our little cosmic garden for wider vistas. And, the majority of those who do will never leave orbit. They'll mostly stay in spacecraft or live for relatively brief periods of time on the International Space Station, doing research on how more of us might work and live in space.
Over the years, I've seen plenty of pictures of the ISS, but today I'm sharing something even cooler than that, a "fly-through" of the inside of the International Space Station in ultra high-def. If you can, play this on a big-screen 4K television. It's gorgeous and, for most of us, the closest we will ever get to space.
Also, it's been a busy couple of weeks and this was all I had time to scare up and share, so enjoy.
See you next week!