
Submitted by JKHoffman on

Not just doing more in less time.

Look, I'm going to admit something to you here. I'm lazy. Not only that, but I feel terrible about it.
Yes, that probably will come as a shock to most people who know me in real life, away from this strange digital construct we call blogging, but it's true. I'm not just lazy and unmotivated, but I'm slow and super unproductive. I waste so much time I cannot even begin to conceive of a metaphor that encapsulates the enormity of my personal, moral failing. And, I promise you, I am not even kidding.
So, you know, happy Friday.

But, here's the thing; I'm always looking for tools that might make me more productive and more efficient. And, some time back, I found a page of them by James Clear that he called The Productivity Guide: Time Management Strategies That Work. He defines productivity thusly; "Productivity is a measure of efficiency of a person completing a task. We often assume that productivity means getting more things done each day. Wrong. Productivity is getting important things done consistently. And no matter what you are working on, there are only a few things that are truly important. Being productive is about maintaining a steady, average speed on a few things, not maximum speed on everything." And, the page gets better from there. For instance, he gives you seven relatively easy steps to take that will make you at least a little more productive right away. And, he links to some great articles, both his own and those written by others, that talk about increasing productivity and time management. He even references one of my favorites, Getting Things Done by David Allen. It's worth a look.

So, big confession aside, I hope that Mr. Clear's page of links and advice can help you overcome your time management and productivity hurdles. If it does, I hope you'll come back here and share the experience with us in the comments.

See you next week!


Submitted by DrupalAdmin on Fri, 09/15/2017 - 05:30

In reply to by DrupalAdmin


[…] post originally appeared on Use Your Words, my other blog, where I hope you’ll leave your comments and experiences about productivity […]