Historical European Martial Arts Documentary

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Martial arts aren't just Asian!

Most of the time, when someone mentions "martial arts" you think of kung fu or karate or something similar. But, relatively recently, and by that I mean in the past twenty or thirty years, there's been quite a Renaissance, if you'll pardon the pun, in Western or European combat arts. Over the years, I've read about several of the groups that have driven some of this interest, but recently, I came across one that was new to me, HEMA or Historical European Martial Arts. And, more or less in keeping with the theme from the past month, I have a link to a free, 90-minute documentary on Historical European Martial Arts titled "Back To The Source".
It's quite good, actually, even if it's free. And, it's a lovely look at an alternate way to enjoy violence in a relatively safe way.
