Scam The Scammers

Submitted by JKHoffman on

In the Christmas spirit of giving, give the scammers a headache.

I don't know about you, but this time of year, I seem to get twice the number of scam and spam email that I normally get. It's pretty terrible. I mean, most of the year, it's bad enough, but we are all extra busy this time of year and have even less time than normal to deal with these bottom-feeders of cyberspace. I'm NOT an advocate of the infamous "hack back" strategy, even for well-heeled corporate IT departments that can staff skilled anti-hackers, but the idea of an artificially intelligent email bot that annoys and harasses email scammers is a little different. For one thing, it's just annoying email. For another, it's automated.
All you have to do is forward the scam email to and let the games begin. The Re:scam email bot will reply to the scammer and tie them up with an almost endless stream of questions and "personal" anecdotes so the scammers are kept busy and, yes, tortured just a little bit. And, they'll forward you the email conversations afterward, for your amusement.
No, it's not nice, but, let's face it, these email spammers aren't exactly on Santa's "Nice List", if you know what I mean.

So, head over to Boiing Boing and read about the Re:scam email bot and enjoy your Christmas shopping!