Nature is filled with creatures both terrible and beautiful.
I love macro photography. Getting close to small animals and insects and seeing them in a totally new way and on a scale we don't normally perceive them is something I love to both do and see. And, while I have to admit my skills are meager and mostly focused on still photography, macro videography is even more amazing to me.
So, this week, I'm sharing some wonderful macro video with you by way of bioGraphic, which is a magnificent website filled with incredible video and stills of nature. But, this week, specifically, I'd like to share bioGraphic's page of "Caterpillar Cameos" videos. It's a whole page of short, but fantastic, videos of caterpillars that are both beautiful and kind of terrible. While some are brilliantly colored, or even furred, they also may be poisonous or mature into devastating crop parasites. And, let's face it, something about those creepy, little caterpillar faces are both enthralling to watch and uncomfortable at the same time. At least for me.
Either way, it's a beautiful thing to behold nature in all its diversity and glory in ways that you may not otherwise seek out.