So, it seems I've survived another year.
Considering that I wasn't entirely sure I'd live past forty, it's a pleasant surprise to find that I've turned fifty-one. It seems a bit less pressure than turning fifty. I thought things would start speeding up, but it feels like everything has slowed down a bit. I don't feel like a lot has changed in the past year, really.
Really, I've had another pretty good year. In some ways, maybe a bit too good. I was disappointed to see that all the weight I lost at the beginning of this year has somehow returned. I think, as was true last year, this is mostly due to easy living and a wonderfully Southern wife who shows me how much she loves me with food. She really, really loves me, so I've eaten very well. After having to finally let Hilda go to the Great Big Yard On The Other Side this year, we got two new rescues. For a bit, that was helping because I was walking Penny, the sixty-pound Pittbull/Dalmatian mix every morning. Sadly, she seems to have torn her ACL and is going to need a surgery, so I haven't been walking her. I should take her sister, Lily, the fifty-pound Black Lab mix for walks, but I just haven't quite been able to get my sorry tuckus out of bed in time to make that happen yet. I'll get on it soon, though. Honest.
Of course, being married to Sharon does make my time here easier and a lot more pleasant. That sounds a little luke-warm, but, honestly, I think we're both pretty happy about having a quiet, pleasant life together. As we were reminiscing not too long ago, we've both led a life of far too much adventure and chaos to think we're missing out on much. Maybe, one day soon, when the statute of limitations runs out of some of those things, I'll share them with you. Or, maybe they'll get saved for a memoir. Sharon keeps telling me that we've living very interesting lives, though, of course, I find myself to be a bit dull and boring. Thankfully, she does not. It's one of her many, many charming and attractive features. Her business, The Organizing Decorator, is poised to do quite well this coming year, and I'm incredibly proud of her and her work. I've known people who constantly complain about never having been given a chance, but Sharon really goes out and seems to create opportunities out of thin air. She's a miracle and I'm truly blessed to be married to her.
It is a bit strange to find myself being so fiscally responsible these days. Again, I suppose age and commitment have their unexpected upsides. I want to make sure that she's taken care of, at least, even if we don't expect to leave much after we're gone.
Otherwise, I wish I'd spent less time complaining this year and more time working for change in all aspects of my life. I still have dreams of writing more and taking more photographs. I'm sure if I really am committed to that this year, I'll find a way to make the time. Maybe that's one secret of making it to middle age; I don't buy as many excuses, not even my own. So, watch this space! Hold me to account, dear readers, if anyone out there is still reading this blog.
In the past, I've listed the same group of celebrities who share my birthday. But, this year, I'll only mention two, because they're the only ones I currently care about. I'm shocked to realize that I'm a mere two years older than Jennifer Connelly, who was born on this day. She's lovely and I'd watch her read the phone book. The other celebrity who shares my birthday is Frank "Chairman of the Board" Sinatra. And, just like me, he did it his way.
Also, I think it's interesting to note that on this day in 1896 Marconi first demoed radio and, again on this day, in 1901 made his first Trans-Atlantic transmission. (Though, of course, all right-thinking people know that Tesla was really responsible for those first advances in radio.)
So, that's the state of me, as it were, this year. Some things I'm happier about than others, but, all in all, it's been a pretty good year. I've just about given up trying to figure out what the coming year will bring, though I do try to make plans about being more creative and productive, as I do every year. In the end, though, what I choose to do or not do doesn't matter, so long as Sharon and I do it together. I'm happy that she's really become the only thing that matters in my life. God knows, I could have worse
All in all, life is going along okay and I'm sure it'll be good coming year.