Yeah, I'm talking about depression.
That metaphor, calling depression the "Black Dog", is usually attributed to Winston Churchill, but I've definitely heard it from a lot of sources. We tend to want to show our best faces on social media and on our blogs, but the truth is, most of us aren't the happy, shiny Instragram people we want the world to see. I know I've had my own bouts of depression, on and off, for years. It feels like sitting in the bottom of a pit without light or hope, at best forgotten, but at worst with people shoveling dirt on top of me. There have been various reasons for it and I'm grateful that all my depression has been transitory. It's always been what I call situational depression. One time, it was because I was getting divorced. Another time it was because my cardiologist had given me betablockers, which killed my motivation and made me want to just lay on the couch all the time. There have been other times, usually around a job loss or some other relationship failure on my part.
Right now, though, all of 2020 so far has been enough to depress anyone. I mean, I'm pretty blessed to have a job that pays well and lets me work from home at least some of the time, but I'm very aware that a lot of people don't have that. And, even though I count my blessings on a regular basis, I still worry about COVID-19 for my wife and me and the rest of my family. I still worry about the economy and my friends who don't have stable work. I'm absolutely blessed, but only someone out of touch with reality wouldn't find some things to be depressed about right now.
And, even in that, I know I'm lucky. My depression has always gone away, so I know the latest bout of it will absolutely fade, too. But, my wife has clinical depression. She spends a good portion of her day dealing with that, whether it's making sure all the meds she takes are right and that she's stocked up correctly, or planning healthy meals, or trying to get enough rest, or enough exercise. She works very hard at it all the time. And, I've seen her when all that's NOT working and she does get swallowed up by depression. I know how hard it is to watch, and I can only imagine how hard it is to live through.
So, I've got nothing fun or happy or silly for you this week. What I've got is a little understanding if the Black Dog has gotten off the leash and you need a little help. If you feel like everything is too much and depression might overwhelm you, try one of the resources here:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255 - Get Immediate Help
The National Alliance on Mental Health Helpline - 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
And, remember, there's no shame in getting help. In fact, getting help is what strong people actually do.
If you or a loved one needs help with depression or any other mental health issue, please, don't wait until it's too late.