For the next two months, "Don't feed the troll" should be our mantra.
According to the Urban Dictionary, a "troll" is "...[s]omeone who deliberately pisses people off online to get a reaction." And, while that's true, I feel like it's not a complete description anymore. Since I've been on the internet, back in the "Before Time" of the early 90's, trolls have been around, in one form or another, purposely irritating people for laughs. But, sometime in the last ten years or so, professional trolls with a political agenda, and often backed by a nation-state, have sprung up in attempts to sway elections and disrupt the democratic process. A lot of those trolls aren't even people at all but are robots. They're automated scripts that just constantly harass actual people who happen to trigger certain keywords. Being able to spot the trolls is a lot harder than most people realize.
So, in preparation for the upcoming election, I'm sharing a website called "Spot The Troll". It's s short quiz that shows you social media profiles and asks the simple question "Troll or Legit"? All you have to do is pick. And, then afterward, either way, there are a series of screens showing the "red flags" that should have tipped you off to the troll. Or, things that might have tricked you into thinking a legit human was actually a troll. I scored 7 out of 8. Not bad, I think, considering how sophisticated the trolls and their programmers have gotten.
Take the quiz and see how you do!