Mental Health Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

I've talked about mental health on my blogs before, especially in relation to stress and the pandemic. COVID-19 and the attempts to deal with it have added extra stress to all of our lives and stretched our mental health to the limits. And, this past year has been particularly hard for me with the death of my father. I never realized just how close we were until I couldn't turn to him for advice or just to talk things through. Grief is its own kind of mental health issue, for sure, but layered on top of everything else, it's just made things harder.
I was surprised to find out after my father's passing that we have a bit of a family history of depression. Dad's generation didn't talk about that sort of thing much. They still, in general, see things like depression as a kind of moral failing or weakness. For years, I've known that I have a bit of depression. I've fought it since at least high school. It wasn't crippling by any means, but it absolutely made life more difficult. After getting divorced, I saw a therapist and that helped for a bit, but, if I'm being honest, I've had bouts of depression since long before meeting my ex-wife and continued to have them well after I felt the freedom of being released from that tragedy of a marriage. My wife has been on medication for depression for longer than I've known her. It keeps her sane and functional and for years she's tried to convince me to try antidepressants. I've always resisted. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely understand the mechanism of neurotransmitters and how they can affect mental states. And, I completely believe that medication can help. But, for years, I also believed that it could help everyone ELSE and that I didn't really need it.
About six weeks ago, I relented and talked with my doctor about taking a light antidepressant to see if it helped me with my current struggles. I've been taking them for about six weeks and I absolutely can tell the difference. So far, it looks like the doctor has picked a winner and I'm not having any side effects, but I can positively see the difference in my mood and my productivity. I had no idea how much what I thought of as mild or reasonable depression was affecting my productivity, but it very clearly was. Things that I would put off indefinitely because they just seemed overwhelming get done in a much more timely fashion because they've become "right-sized" in my no longer depressed brain. Don't get me wrong; it's not like antidepressants have solved all my problems. They haven't, I'm sorry to say. However, they do let me be more fully present and capable of dealing with my problems. Most importantly, they haven't negatively impacted my thinking at all as I have been afraid of them doing. Nor have they reduced my creativity in the slightest. If anything, they've freed me a bit more to think MORE clearly and act MORE creatively. I wish I'd tried them sooner.

So, if you're struggling with depression or any other mental health issue, don't wait. Go get help. You can find some good resources at - How To Get Mental Health Help And, most importantly, if you feel like you're going to hurt yourself or others, please, do reach out to someone.

Suicide & Mental Health Hotlines in The United States

Crisis Text Line
Text HOME to 741741

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

SAMHSA Treatment Referral Helpline

Trans Lifeline
1-877-565-8860 (for the transgender community)

1-866-488-7386 (for LGBTQ youth)

Veterans Crisis Line
1-800-273-8255, Press 1