Security Awareness

So, I guess I've gotten popular somewhere because I see someone banging on my WordPress security.  They keep getting locked out though because they're assuming that the default username is "admin", so they're never going to guess that password.  I do hope they give up sooner rather than later, though, because I'm getting tired of the 20-minute and 24-hour lockout emails telling me that they've been unsuccessful in trying to brute-force the password.

I suspect that the increased activity is from either Twitter, where someone was chattering about me, or from Reddit, where the person on Twitter got crossways with me about something they clearly didn't understand.  Either way, it is mildly interesting that this is going on as it has some implications about various kinds of social media and web traffic.  And, I suppose, for someone who is less security aware than I am, it could be more concerning.  I just backed everything up and went on about my day, though.  Nothing much here I'm overly concerned about.  Nothing important lives only here and I don't have anything valuable here, outside of passwords, which aren't shared with other sites or systems, and source code, which also lives other places and really isn't worth much anyway.

Update:  Oy! I wasn't suggesting you try a new username to crack!  That one isn't going to work either, dummy!