I have written since I was in grade school, though mostly fiction. I have worked in IT since 1992 and have maintained at least one blog since 2000, back before blogging software, as such, even existed and had to code each page and post in a text editor. 

Besides struggling with fiction writing, my other hobbies include photography, computer security, movies and search engine optimization. For many years, my first blog, Diary of a Network Geek, was the number one hit on Google for the search terms “network geek’. 

I am also a cancer survivor, having Non-Hodgkin's, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in 2007, which is when I really gained a greater interest in health and diet as well as a new, more open, attitude about trying new things and experimenting to find what works in my life. 

Oh, and of course, don’t forget to check out the blog
By the way, if you're looking for the 9/11 "researcher" (aka Truther, aka nutty conspiracy theorist), I'm not that "Jim Hoffman". You can find out about the "other" Jim Hoffman at Wikipedia.