NaNoWriMo Prep – Templates and Worksheets

posted in: Fun, NaNoWriMo, The Tools | 0

Trying to get all your ideas and characters organized for National Novel Writing Month? I can help! It may not always be obvious, especially to those closest to me, but I love being organized. What’s probably more obvious is that … Continued

Cold Fish

posted in: Fun, Red Herrings | 2

Sushi. That’s what my ex-wife used to call me. “Cold Fish.” That’s a quote from Blade Runner, my favorite movie, possibly of all time, and it’s about one of my favorite foods; sushi, the most science-fictional food of all when … Continued

Ambient Sci-Fi Sound

posted in: Art, Fun | 1

I love me some ambient, sci-fi atmosphere! For you poor souls who are regular readers know I am a little obsessed with science fiction. And, I also am on a constant quest for the perfect background sounds to keep me … Continued

Writers, Talking

If you’re doing NaNoWriMo this month, you should be roughly a third of the way through and might need a bit of a break. If you aren’t participating in National Novel Writing Month, that’s okay.  It’s still Friday and maybe … Continued

Writing Advice

And encouragement! If you’re doing NaNoWriMo this month, you should be four days into your book today. But, maybe you’re cocky and are really just going to get started tonight after work. Either way, you can still do it! Fantastically … Continued

Build Your World

Now you have a story and the characters in it, but what about the rest of your world? Most people think that only fantasy or science-fiction writers have to create a world for their writing, but even writers who create … Continued

Genre Writing Rules

First of all, there are no rules. No, seriously, this is fiction we’re talking about here, so the rules are what you make them.  At this point, pretty much every “rule” you can think of when it comes to writing … Continued

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