I've become a huge Evernote fan since I started using it for the Getting Things Done a couple months ago.
And, as I find more and more things I can do through Evernote to keep me organized and efficient, I find I love it more and more. I've been focused on templates recently, both finding them and making them myself. But, as it turns out there are all kinds of add-ons for Evernote, too. Here are two.
First, for those of us who want to keep a map of the area around an appointment, or some other entry we may want to put into Evernote, there's MapClipper, which will let you take a small slice of Google maps and save it into your Evernote notebook. And, if you've paid for one of the better-than-free subscriptions for Evernote, you can save these maps off-line, too, which can come in handy sometimes.
Then, if you want to improve your mind, but only in short, condensed bits, there's Blinkist, which will give you non-fiction books summarized into a fifteen-minute executive summary right into your Evernote notebook. The free subscription gives you one condensed book per day, which they choose for you, but if you upgrade to one of the paid versions you can pick books and get more than one per day. I'm not a big fan of executive summaries, but for certain business or trendy books, I might prefer it.
So, there you are, two free add-ons for Evernote to make your life even better!