Well, maybe not quite, but, still, writing ideas.
I know my posts probably seem a little random these days, but that's because I have a lot going on. For instance, I'm trying to adjust my personal schedule to get up early enough that I can spend a little time writing in the morning before going to my day job. If, and this apparently is a big if, I could get up just a few minutes earlier, I should be able to squeeze in as much as 45 minutes of writing. One day.
Of course, the other half of that is writer's block. Which, honestly, I don't have, really. What I have is fear combined with a lack of practice and strong enough desire. Unfortunately, it's not a new problem. One way I've tried to combat that over the years has been writing exercises. And, since I've tried so many over the years, a lot of them get stale after a bit, which leads me to favor the random idea generators or random plot generators.
Since it's Friday, I thought I'd share my most recent discovery; the DIY MFA Writer Igniter. It gives you a randomly selected character, plot, prop and setting to, hopefully, inspire you to write. Give it a try!
And, while you're on the site, check out their other features, too. Some of the articles are pretty good.
Either way, enjoy your weekend!