More Free Music for Projects

Submitted by JKHoffman on

I can't believe I didn't include this last week.

Okay, so this may be a little boring for people who aren't thinking about creating videos or setting their home movies to music, but, boring people with this blog has never stopped me from sharing something before, so I won't let it now.  This free and mostly unrestricted resource requires a Google account of some kind to access, but I think it's worth setting up a Gmail account to get to this amazing collection of audio.  It's the free, YouTube Audio Library.  Notice, though, that I called it an audio library, not a music library.  That's because half of this is music, much of which you can use without restriction.  But, the other half of it is a collection of relatively high-quality sound effects.  Now, I wouldn't want to make a whole movie with this library, but, conceivably you could.  This has everything from music for every kind of emotion and scene, but also pretty much every generic sound effect you could ask for, from bullets to kids to Summer nights to pocket change hitting a wood table.
As free audio libraries go, it's pretty complete.

Also, it's been kind of a long week and y'all are lucky to be getting anything at all from this blog this Friday.  Maybe next week will be better.  Maybe not.


Submitted by DrupalAdmin on Fri, 09/23/2016 - 06:01

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