Finally, Some Changes

Submitted by JKHoffman on

You know how I keep threatening to write differently here?

You may have noticed that things were starting to change a bit over the past several weeks. Yes, I've still been bringing you "fun" links on Friday, but that's been mostly swallowed up by all the other writing. I'm still mostly too busy to write as often as I did ten or fifteen years ago, so I haven't managed to get in more than a single blog post per week yet. I'd like to write more regularly here, but I've got creditors who demand to be paid and that means my "day job" comes first. So, after a minimum of forty hours of work for them, and my paycheck, I don't always have a lot of energy or focus to write anything else.
You may remember that I started writing morning pages about two weeks ago now. That was inspired by the keynote for a virtual fantasy convention given by Brandon Sanderson. He talked about how frustrated he was when he started out writing because he wasn't producing work that he liked. Well, that sure sounded like how I've felt for the past ten years or more. But, he offered a cure; fall in love with the writing process again. And, to at least some degree, that was what was behind me starting those morning pages. It was about relearning to simply enjoy the act of writing. And, so far, that's really started to happen again. Now, I despair of being able to convert those random thoughts and stream of consciousness worries into coherent fiction at some point, but that, ultimately, is the goal here. So, in that spirit, and because I imagine my fictional readers being interested in the same things I am, I have a link to share. Brandon Sanderson is also a teacher, as well as a writer. He's shared an entire course of lectures on writing fantasy fiction, which you can stream for free. I plan to watch them all, though, since they're an hour long a piece, I'm not sure when I'll find the time to watch all of them. Either way, if you've got it in your head to write fantasy fiction, you could do worse than watch his lectures. His work is incredibly popular and I found his talks so far to be helpful and inspiring.

You know, I had other links that I was going to share, but, I think that one is enough this week after all. It's been a hell of a week. For one, a friend of mine lost her father. For another, my own father, who's about two months away from being 91, and who's going through chemotherapy for liver cancer, was admitted to the hospital with heart issues this week. Thankfully, it seemed to be caused by some fluid on his lung, which was causing some cardiac stress. He's been given a diuretic and sent home and it sounds like he'll be able to continue his chemotherapy. Chemotherapy which is working pretty well, by the way. So, good news for my father, but still, a lot of stress and worry, especially since I couldn't just jump on a plane to go see him if things had gotten worse thanks to COVID-19, which he tested negative for, too, thankfully.
So, while I try to relearn what exactly makes a plot work and apply that to some of the ideas that have been bouncing around in my head for the past couple of decades, I'll keep up the morning pages. And, in some form or fashion, I'll keep writing here, too.


Submitted by DrupalAdmin on Fri, 05/22/2020 - 06:30

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