Or do we make our own luck?
Opinions vary. But, I don't think that it's complete coincidence that just after Friday the Thirteenth, when I shared with my few, loyal blog readers the origins of that unluckiest day, an email newsletter I subscribe to brings me an article about luck and people who have studied luck.
The article, titled "Does Lady Luck exist or do you make your own?", brought to us by Aeon, speculates on that very thing. Since luck is such an elusive thing, and our perception of it varies with our cultural background, it's a pretty slippery fish to grab hold of long enough to study, but, according to the article, a lot of our "luck" may come down to our mental attitude and belief in our own abilities.
Personally, I've always believed that we make our own luck. At least, I certainly have always made my own. And, as a good, Mid-Westerner of German descent, I've always believed that hard work and making the most of every opportunity was more reliable than luck any way.
But why don't you read the article and decide for yourself?