Makin' Bacon

By JKHoffman, 29 January, 2016

No, seriously, I'm talking about actual bacon not some silly double entendre.

Also?  If you don't like bacon enough to read this, why do you even read my blog?  I mean, seriously, do you even get me?
I actually had a talk with one of my doctors about bacon and how if I had to die of something, I was okay if it was bacon.  She suggested that it would be healthier for me to pass it up occasionally.  I responded with the idea that life is short and every opportunity to eat bacon may be my last, so could I afford to pass it up?

In any case, I'm talking about making bacon.  Or, rather, the folks over at the Art of Manliness have shared a tutorial for making your own bacon.  Real bacon, mind you, not some sad, turkey substitute.  And, well, thoughts on manliness aside, I can't help but wonder if I can convince my wife to maybe try this with me.  I'd have to invest in a smoker again, since our old charcoal grill finally gave up the ghost, but I think it would be worth it for home-made bacon.  Man.  That sounds good this morning.  Bacon.
Hey, do what you want, but I'm going to go get some bacon.
Enjoy your day and your weekend!



8 years 11 months ago

In reply to by DrupalAdmin

[…] Also?  If you don’t like bacon enough to read this, why do you even read my blog?  I mean, seriously, do you even get me? I actually had a talk with one of my doctors about bacon and how if I had to die of something, I was okay if it was bacon.  She suggested that it would be healthier for me to pass it up occasionally.  I responded… Read More […]