Prepare yourself for some high-intensity geekery!
No, seriously.
So, I've been contracting somewhere that has virtually no network documentation and what little they did have got destroyed in a catastrophic event. For privacy and security, not to mention client confidentiality, I won't go into details on that. But, as a result, one of the things I've been doing is rediscovering their network and documenting it as fully as possible. For that, I've been searching out and using various templates.
Also, in a seemingly unrelated course of events, I've recently started using Evernote as part of my Getting Things Done revival. I've been re-reading Getting Things Done, originally in preparation for starting a new job, and trying to get it going again in all areas of my life to better manage my time and efforts. My wife raved about both GTD and Evernote, so I splurged and bought the $10 document from David Allen's web store on setting up Evernote so that it was optimized for GTD. It was some of the best money I've spent in a long, long time. This combination is so completely awesome!
But, what's even more awesome is the power of Evernote templates. Their templates are really just a blank document that's formatted in a particular way that serves as a starting point for a regular note style that you make over and over again. They've written up a whole article on it; How-to: Save Time with Templates. If you're working with Evernote, it's definitely worth the time and trouble. My personal template library is hitting 59 items right now, but I'm sure there will be more.
And, that, finally, leads me to my Friday Freebie; EvernoteITDocumentationTemplates. These are a collection of six templates, so far, that I've munged together to let you more easily record the basic information an IT professional might need to capture about devices on their network. I have no doubt there will eventually be more. In any case, go ahead and download these and enjoy them.
To get those into your personal Evernote, check out their article How to Backup and Restore Notes and Notebooks. It's got step-by-step instructions there for getting started.
Good luck and enjoy!
This post originally appeared at Diary of a Network Geek.