
Submitted by JKHoffman on

So. Birthdays. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Based on entirely anecdotal evidence and a sample size that's roughly the size of my family, I'm about halfway. Halfway through a life. It sounds so melodramatic. Well, at fifty, I guess I'm entitled to a little melodrama. Just a little, though. Because, after all, its only halfway. That means, if my family's longevity and genome are any indication, I still have another fifty years or so of pretty active life ahead of me. That's good though, because I still have a lot of stuff I want to do with life.

I don't normally make a big deal about birthdays, but our culture seems to hang a lot more on the big five-oh. For whatever reason, fiftieth birthdays seem to be the point at which people freak out. At least for men. Personally, I think I'm doing okay. Sure, I'd like to make more money and have better benefits, so if there are any recruiters out there with a great IT Infrastructure Management job for me, I'd be open to that. But, honestly, I do okay. My blushing bride and I cleared the last of our consumer debt this past year, so our only outstanding loans are the mortgage and the loan for our solar panels. And, really, those solar panels are going to be an asset. After all, energy prices almost never go down, but that solar system will keep generating power at up to 80% of it's current rate for the next 25 years. As with last year, I've read a lot of good books and seen a lot of good movies, though I've been mostly too busy to review them like I used to do.
Really, I've had a pretty good year. In some ways, maybe a bit too good. I was shocked to see how much weight I'd put on this year, mostly due to easy living and a wonderfully Southern wife who shows me how much she loves me with food. She really, really loves me, so I've eaten very well. So well, in fact, that my cardiologist fat-shamed me at my annual checkup with him. Now, I'm back on my program of rowing, weights and counting calories until I'm down to my ideal weight. (And, no, I am NOT sharing what that is!)
Of course, being married to Sharon does make my time here considerably more enjoyable. She works really hard to make sure I'm as well taken care of as she can manage. And, I work toward the same thing. I suppose that's made a little easier for each of us because we remember how it was when we were with other people. It's funny how getting a little older and having a bit more experience with the absolute worst and most wrong way to be in a relationship can make the current one so precious and enjoyable. Oh, sure, we still have our moments, just like every married couple does, but there's no one I'd rather be married to at all and I count myself lucky to know it. Besides, she quite possibly is the only woman on the planet still willing to put up with my nonsense. And, this year, more than most, I'm a little extra grateful for her willingness to gently remind me about what's important when I've gone a little off the rails. I'm lucky to still be married to her and my life gets better every year she's still along for the ride.

In the past, I've listed the same group of celebrities who share my birthday. But, this year, I'll only mention two, because they're the only ones I currently care about. I'm shocked to realize that I'm a mere two years older than Jennifer Connelly, who was born on this day. She's lovely and I'd watch her read the phone book. The other celebrity who shares my birthday is Frank "Chairman of the Board" Sinatra. And, just like me, he did it his way.

Also, I think it's interesting to note that on this day in 1896 Marconi first demoed radio and, again on this day, in 1901 made his first Trans-Atlantic transmission. (Though, of course, all right-thinking people know that Tesla was really responsible for those first advances in radio.)

So, that's the state of me, as it were, this year. Some things I'm happier about than others, but, all in all, it's been a pretty good year. I've just about given up trying to figure out what the coming year will bring, though I do try to make plans about writing more and doing more photography. In the end, though, what I choose to do or not do doesn't matter, so long as Sharon and I do it together. I'm happy that she's really become the only thing that matters in my life. God knows, I could have worse

All in all, life is going along okay and I'm sure it'll be good coming year.