Hey, that dog can talk!
Okay, so not literally, but pretty close.
I have a friend who has this idea he calls "the talking dog theory". It goes like this. Dog lovers talk to their dogs as if they're people who might answer back. And, what if those dogs could talk back? Would we care what the dog said? Or would we be so amazed to get a response that we'd sit with rapt fascination, thinking, "How incredible! This animal can talk!" So, what if we applied that to people in a meeting that were annoying us with the banalities? Instead of getting annoyed with them, maybe we should simply be amazed that that animal can talk!
Well, amusing anecdotes aside, what I have for you this week is an actual talking dog, sort of. I've seen this multiple places, but I'm sharing the link from BestLife, about Stella the "talking" dog. Stella's owner is Christina Hunger who is a speech pathologist. She made Stella a "sound board" with some common words that her darling doggie might want to know, like "out" and "ball" and "play". Then she set about teaching Stella what the buttons all met. Now, Stella uses the sound board to "talk" to her owner and tell Ms. Hunger what she wants. The video is pretty remarkable.
Honestly, though, I don't think I want to give my two dogs any more encouragement to try and tell me what they want. Lily would always be hitting the buttons for "hungry - feed - me" and Penny would be always asking for "out - squirrel" or "rub - tummy". And I know what they want already.
In any case, great videos and fun, even if you're not a dog lover! Though if you're not a dog lover, I'm not sure I'd care for your opinion anyway.