Appreciating Art

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Steve Martin teaching us about art.

I love art. I don't know much about art, really, in spite of all the things my good friend, and famous art star, Mark Flood has tried to teach me. I have always enjoyed art, though, even when I was a kid. I used to spend what was for me, at the time, a ridiculous amount of money on metal sculptures as a kid. Mostly small things, but visually interesting to me. Like a cricket made from iron nails and a spark plug. Another time, I talked a wood carver into selling me one of his unfinished works of a raccoon head, which sits on my dresser to this day. I've had that for probably more than 40 years at this point, and I no longer remember the artist's name or what it cost. When I was working my first job in downtown Chicago, I had the incredible good fortune to run into Curt Frankenstein at an art market after my shift on a Sunday afternoon. I spoke with him for some time before I realized he was the artist I was viewing, but I'm pleased to say that my rudimentary understanding of etchings and print-making favorably impressed him. At the time, I was only able to afford two of his wonderful surrealist prints, which hand in my home still.
I don't think I started to appreciate abstract work until I started hanging around with Mark Flood. And, of course, it's his abstracts that I love the most. I'm lucky enough to have been gifted one, though he calls it payment for some computer work I did for him, and I love it. Everyone remarks on it.
But, before I digress even more, let me share the link I meant to give you this week: Steve Martin makes abstract art theory interesting, via Boing Boing. It's a short video in the MoMA series The Way I See It for the BBC. There are several other people talking about their favorite work, or at least their feelings about and connection to art. It's quite good and I definitely recommend seeing them all, but it's hard to top Steve Martin saying "I believe pictures reveal themselves over time..." I mean, that's really the best thing to say about art. Go, watch the video, then go to a museum and look at art.

In any case, enjoy!