Random Stay-At-Home Resources

Submitted by JKHoffman on

This may become a theme while we all wait out this COVID-19 virus.

This week, I finally got everyone else at work all set to work from home, if at all possible, and started working from home myself. I was surprised how much of my work is often determined by people in the office having problems. I shouldn't be, though, considering how many times I tell fellow techs that the only reason we have jobs is because other people have problems.
In any case, I have a couple of links that I hope will help you solve some of the unusual problems you may be running into at home these days, thanks to the quarantine. Some may be more fun than others!
First, if you're like us, you've been eating a little differently than normal. My wife is pretty incredible about coming up with meals that use whatever she happens to have on the shelf or in the freezer, but thinking of delicious meals with limited resources can be a huge challenger right now. Thankfully, BoingBoing pointed me to SuperCook! It's a free website that will help you find recipes from the most popular cooking websites that use whatever ingredients you select. It's pretty amazing, and it's got some great suggestions that, I hope, will break up the monotony of cooking at home, when it's a challenge to eat out. There's also an iPhone and an Android app for you, if that's what you prefer. (Links are on the website.)
But, if you're willing to risk the delivery schedules, and want to add something more interesting, or exotic, or just plain fancy, you can try one of these mail-order food sites, reviewed by Esquire. They might get a little pricey, but you'll definitely be getting unique and interesting ingredients to, if you'll pardon the pun, "spice up" your regular, day-to-day meal and flavor options.

On a somewhat lighter note, while we're talking about groceries, you may have had some "experiences" trying to get things at grocery stores recently. In particular, for some reason, people have been panic buying toilet paper. Well, I can't help you get any of the desperately desired commodity, but, thanks to BoingBoing, I can share a video that explains the phenomena of panic buying. It's actually a pretty good look at why, of all things, toilet paper, is in short supply lately.

And, this week, I've got two links for the grown-ups who have gotten bored and want to finally get some use out of that expensive camera they got for Christmas. The first of these two links is geared toward the potential professional photographer; Professional Photographers of America more than 1100 online photo classes for free. Of course, we don't know how long they'll offer these free, but if you've got a camera and internet access, you can take some classes and either develop a "side hustle", or maybe even a new career, if you're afraid of being laid off. And, that's assuming you haven't been already due to either the economic fall out of COVID-19 or the disastrously low price of oil.
The other link for photographers is a little more fun. 7 Photo Challenges for Photographers Who Are Stuck at Home. Amateur or pro, there's nothing like a good challenge to keep the skills sharp.

So, there you have it. Some links to help you get through the next week. No telling how long we'll all be locked down, so there's no telling what I'll post for you next week. The longer I'm home, though, the stranger things are likely to get.
Stay safe! Stay home! Wash your hands!