Explore the relationship between focal length, aperture, and depth of field.
Along with some other settings and factors.
As I've mentioned, I've been getting back into photography a little bit. That means, for me, relearning a whole bunch of stuff, like how aperture and depth of field are related and how to control that. Well, thanks to a free "lens simulator" by Korean lens maker, Samyang, you can play with those settings, and more, to see how they'll affect your photo. It's pretty simple and straight forward for even a returning rookie photographer like me to make adjustments and see the changes. The one drawback, if you can call it that, is that the simulator uses Samyang lenses as the default settings. You can adjust it and simulate virtually any settings, but the pre-set ones are all based on their lenses. Which, really, shouldn't be a surprise. Anyway, it's fun and easy and, best of all, free.
I'd hoped to have a review of a hot-shoe-splitting flash cable I got this week, but, well, I haven't had the time to actually use it yet, so it's hard to give an actual review. Maybe for next week.
And, that's all I've got this week, really. I'm feeling a little worn down and depressed, which I think is just the COVID-19 lockdown finally catching up to me. Well, and the mostly submerged grief over losing my father. For various reasons I don't want to go into right now, I found myself really missing him last week. I had news that I'd have normally shared with him and asked his advice, but, well, he wasn't there to ask. Of course, as my mother and another friend said, at this point, I can pretty well tell you what he'd have told me. Though, right up until the end, Dad could sometimes surprise me with something new.
Anyway, y'all have a good week and stay safe.