WiFi QR Code

Submitted by JKHoffman on

This might be helpful if you let people come over for the holidays this year.

Back in 2014, I wrote a little post about sharing your wifi with holiday guests via something called a QR code. Back then, the technology was exotic and strange and, sadly, pretty limited. But, now, more people are using their cell phones or have picked up a tablet for on-the-go internet access and most of those devices can read a QR code natively. And, with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, we might finally feel brave enough to invite people over for a socially distant, but in-person, holiday celebration and they'll be asking for access to your wifi network. But, this year, too, with so many people working from home and all the potential security risks, you may not want to put your sensitive security access information into a strange website. So, I thought it was a great time to share another tool for creating those QR codes that guests can scan to get that access while using more secure programming standards. That site is QiFi. It's super simple and makes a function QR code that you can either export as a PNG to add to a nicer display or simply print out so that your guests can scan it with their device. The QR code doesn't show any information in a human-readable format, so the casual user isn't going to just copy it down. And, of course, this is free. There's actually not even any advertising on the site as far as I can see. The wifi information you put it isn't stored on the site and is gone as soon as you close the page. So, for the less computer geeky, that means it's about as safe as these things get.

No matter what else you do this holiday season, stay safe, try to stay healthy, and let's all be as kind to one another as we can be.