NaNoWriMo Prep

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Next month is National Novel Writing Month. Are you ready?

I suppose a better first question is actually "Are you going to participate?" I, for example, am not. I tried it once, several years ago, but ever since then I've just been too busy, and too out of practice writing fiction, to try it again. But, I do think about it every year when it rolls around. This year, rather than post things like story starters during NaNoWriMo, I thought I'd post them before, giving the brave souls who are up for the attempt a running start. So, here we go!

My Luckiest Friday

Submitted by JKHoffman on

At least once a year, I try to write about Friday the Thirteenth.

Mostly, because, while other people seem to find it unlucky, I don't. At least, I don't find it any less lucky than any other Friday on any other date. If anything, I find myself feeling luckier than normal when everyone else seems to be feeling less lucky, hence the title of this blog post.
Besides, when I get stuck for topics, as I sometimes do, this is an easy enough post to whip together again.

Cold Fish

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Sushi. That's what my ex-wife used to call me. "Cold Fish."

That's a quote from Blade Runner, my favorite movie, possibly of all time, and it's about one of my favorite foods; sushi, the most science-fictional food of all when Blade Runner came out. Next week Friday, the new one, Blade Runner 2049, is coming out. But, I'm sharing this today not because of the new release, but rather because yesterday was my fourth anniversary. And, not to my ex-wife, but my new wife. And, not because my blushing bride calls me "cold fish", but because I proposed to her in a sushi restaurant.


Submitted by JKHoffman on

Not just doing more in less time.

Look, I'm going to admit something to you here. I'm lazy. Not only that, but I feel terrible about it.
Yes, that probably will come as a shock to most people who know me in real life, away from this strange digital construct we call blogging, but it's true. I'm not just lazy and unmotivated, but I'm slow and super unproductive. I waste so much time I cannot even begin to conceive of a metaphor that encapsulates the enormity of my personal, moral failing. And, I promise you, I am not even kidding.
So, you know, happy Friday.

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