Inspiration, Motivation and Synchronicity

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Can I call myself a writer, if I'm not writing?

Long-time readers of this blog will remember the days that I used to post virtually every day.  That was, it seems, a very long time ago.  That was before I got divorced and before I almost killed myself through self-neglect.  It was also before I met and dated a dear, sweet woman who will always have a special place in my heart and before I bought my camera.
I couldn't tell you...Read More

Future Military

Submitted by JKHoffman on

I find myself wondering the strangest things...

It is, I suppose, a hazard of possessing an inquisitive mind and, of course, being a writer, even if I haven't written much lately.  But, I find my mind lingering on the certain ideas.  One of those ideas is what the military will look like in the future.  And, I don't mean in the future a dozen years from now, but in the far future, when we are a regularly space-faring race.
Oh, yes, I'm an optimist, too.

Character and Plot Worksheets

Submitted by JKHoffman on

I'm a nut for forms.

I think I should have been a Soviet bureaucrat sometimes. I really do love filling out things like character sheets for role-playing games. And, naturally, I think that having the right form might just help me out of a writer's block jam.

So, toward that end, I've found more writer's worksheets than you can shake a stick at!

First, there's the Character Profile from Rick Riordan.

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