By JKHoffman, 30 June, 2017 Improved Gutenberg Well, there goes my dastardly scheme to sell "improved" free books from Project Gutenberg!
By JKHoffman, 16 June, 2017 Government Approved Webcomics I've been sick for the past two weeks, so I'm short on thinky-talky-writey energy.
By JKHoffman, 9 June, 2017 Are We Becoming Obsolete? There's lots of talk in the news of artificial intelligence replacing humans.
By JKHoffman, 19 May, 2017 Free Creative Business Course Seems like everyone is looking for a "side hustle" these days.
By JKHoffman, 5 May, 2017 Fly Through the International Space Station For me, living aboard a space station is about the most fantastical thing imaginable.