Use Your Words

By JKHoffman, 21 April, 2017

Autogenerated fantasy landscapes feel like randomly programmed dreams.

By JKHoffman, 14 April, 2017

Dying malls are death poems to conspicuous consumption.

By JKHoffman, 7 April, 2017

My creative blog posting well is dry.

By JKHoffman, 24 March, 2017

I guess you could say I'm in a dark mood this week.

By JKHoffman, 17 March, 2017

I wish I hadn't gotten out of the habit of writing every day.

By JKHoffman, 3 March, 2017

I think I'm too tired, because I think about sleeping and naps all the time.

By JKHoffman, 24 February, 2017

Not so old school that they're printed, but, still, pretty old school.

By JKHoffman, 17 February, 2017

I am NOT feeling creative this week.

And, I mean, not at all. Not even a little bit. So, what's to do? Well, for one thing, I'm going to go ahead into work and be not creative there. I might as well collect a paycheck for not feeling creative and force myself to solve problems for profit. Honestly, when I read about breaking writer's block, one of the most cited solutions is to just sit down and write anyway. I know for me, having a set routine helps me a lot. But, I'm a big believer in science, so what can science do for me when I don't feel creative?