
Submitted by JKHoffman on

Just in time for the holiday!

So, we're about to start Memorial Day Weekend, which for most of us means picnics and barbeques and parties.  And, at least where I'm from , that means drinks!  But, the thing is, I know a lot of people who don't drink alcohol any more for any number of reasons.  For one, let's face it, we're getting old and fat and all those fine alcoholic beverages are just loaded with calories.  (And, after one too...
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Historic Houston

Submitted by JKHoffman on

It should be no surprise to the few, brave souls who still come and read this blog that I'm just a little obsessed with photography.

As I'm sure people have guessed, I'm not from here.  Here, of course, being Houston, Texas.  I moved here back in '98 and, well, just stayed.  In fact, I like to say that I'm nothing but a damn Yankee carpet-bagger who's only here for your money and your women!  But, all that aside, I've learned to...
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How Much Are You Worth?

Submitted by JKHoffman on

I mean, on a piece by piece basis.

Have you ever wondered just how much you're worth?  And, I don't mean that old thing about how much the various chemicals that make up a human body are worth, but how much are we worth, as assembled?  You know, on the basis of our individual parts.  I've often joked about paying off debt by selling a kidney, but, sometimes, I honestly wonder just how much I would get if I could actually...
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RC Dragon

Submitted by JKHoffman on

It's no secret to anyone who knows me that I love dragons.

And, clearly, I'm a "gadget guy".  I mean, who in IT isn't obsessed with gadgets, at least to some degree, right?  And, you may not realize it, but, well, I sometimes like to play with fire.  Nothing too huge, but, well, boys will be boys, I guess, right?  And, what boy hasn't played with a campfire before, eh?
So, taking all that into consideration, you can imagine how cool I...
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Under Construction

Submitted by JKHoffman on

No, not this blog or website.

Do you remember the days when we were building websites so fast that we couldn't keep up?  Back when it was actually sort of pricey to buy a domain name?  Do you remember the days when as soon as anyone bought a domain they threw up a quick "Under Construction" page?  Ah, those were the days....
Honestly, I don't know what we were thinking. No one had a plan to actually make money from the web,...Read More

Another Sunny Friday

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Yes, today is Friday the Thirteenth.

My day started with a phone call from someone at the office who told me that the power was out.  It was out because a transformer literally exploded.  Then, when the fine folks from the power company came out to fix it, they managed to blow at least one more transformer.  When we left the office this morning, we were told it might be back up sometime after 2:00pm, but, no one really knows for...
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Social Media Monster

Submitted by JKHoffman on

I love me some infographics!

No, seriously, infographics are fun.
Now, I'm not a guy who has to track and record and quantify every aspect of his life.  I know people like that, but I'm not really one of them.  On the other hand, I am one of those guys who likes to look at log files and statistics and trends.  It's kind of a contradiction, I'll admit, but, well, there it is.    And, I'll tell you what else, I'm very aware...
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