Guess Who's Coming To Town?

Submitted by JKHoffman on

No, not Santa.

Well, I suppose Santa is coming to town, soon enough, but I'm talking about something else entirely.
No, I'm talking about your favorite bands.  This past weekend, my girl and I went to see one of her favorite musical acts, who were playing at a real, Texas dance all over in Winnie, about an hour outside of Houston.  But, we only knew about it because one of her friends had been lucky enough to catch an announcement about them...Read More

Writing Music

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Some music to create the Great American Novel by.

Or, you know, whatever it is you need to write.
Back in October, I brought you a link to soundtracks for your books, but this week, it's music that will hopefully inspire your writing.  I know a lot of people who write to music, whether that's PHP code, or fiction, or even blog entries.  And, of course, there are as many opinions about not only whether to listen to music or not, but...
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PriorityDigital Free Utilities

Submitted by JKHoffman on

I don't know about you, but I love free stuff.

I do a lot of stuff on the web every day.  Yeah, I know you can't tell that from how neglected this blog is these days, especially compared to the old days when I was posting pretty much every day, but, trust me, I'm always buzzing around the web doing something.  Sometimes, it's building websites like this one.  Not very pretty, but pretty functional and sometimes, not even sites for me. ...Read More

Generate Story Ideas

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Are you stuck for ideas?

It may be a little late for those people attempting NaNoWriMo this month, but it's never too late for the rest of us to come up with some great story ideas.
IO9 gave these as "10 Tips for Generating Killer Science Fiction Story Ideas", but some of them are just interesting ways to bump up some conflict and aren't limited to science-fiction at all.  Here's the short list of them, before I go into details on a...
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Creative Generators

Submitted by JKHoffman on

So, in keeping with the theme this month of NaNoWriMo, I bring you creative time-wasters!

Okay, so maybe I call them "helpful utilities" when I use them, but, still...
Back in the day, I was much more of a Renaissance man that I am now.  I dabbled in all kinds of things not least of which was either writing or programming.  And, I tend to live by the dictum that one cannot really learn anything worthwhile without a project or goal.  When...
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Last Minute Costume

Submitted by JKHoffman on

So, here it is, almost time for Halloween Party weekend and you don't have a costume?

What to do, what to do, eh?  Well, if  you have a t-shirt that you're willing to sacrifice and a modicum of creative ability, and an iPhone or iPad or Android device, then you may be in luck.  Gizmodo covered a buy last year who used a pair of iPads to make a costume which seemed like he had a hole in his chest.  That...
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Under Costumes

Submitted by JKHoffman on

What do  you wear under your Halloween costumes?

So, yeah, Halloween is just around the corner and that has me thinking about costumes.  Well, to be honest, costumes for adults, because, let's face it, in all our repressed, Puritanical, American, adult bodies, live crazy hedonists that just want to dress up in silly, or sexy, costumes and parade around like the goofballs we all pretend we are NOT.  And, maybe because I have a girlfriend for the first time in ages,...Read More

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