Book, with occasional music

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Do you hear music when you read?

No, I don't mean, "Do play music while you read?", but, rather, do you hear music, like a movie soundtrack while you read a book?  I know for awhile, I was so immersed in movies and the movie experience that I couldn't help hearing certain kinds of background noise and sound effects when I read certain kinds of books.  But, what if that happened on purpose?  What if you had a way to synchronize...
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Vanishing Book

Submitted by JKHoffman on

What if a book slowly faded away as you read it?

I like to read.  No, really, I do.  Sure the last couple years I've been pretty busy and I haven't read nearly as much as I used to read in the "old days", but I do still love to read.  Most of the time, I grind right through a book at a pretty steady pace, never really stopping until I finish it.  Every once in awhile, though, I do get...
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6 Personal Finance Apps

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Can we ever have enough money?

Or be too thin or too good looking?  Well, I don't know, but I do know that I've struggled at times with money.  It seems to slip through my fingers like water.  The harder I squeeze to hold on to it, the faster it seems to slip away.  But, I know that about myself, so I do what I can to stop the bleeding, so to speak.  For me, the first step is tracking where...
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