Small Demons

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Today is Friday the 13th.

In the past, I've posted some of the possible history of the negative superstitions around Friday the 13th, but I'm not going to mention that today.  I think it's unseemly, especially since I've already talked about the history and traditions surrounding Friday the 13th earlier in the year.
No, I thought I'd share something else.

Summer Reading

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Don't worry, I promise it will be a fun list.

Hey, remember when you were a kid in school and they'd give you a Summer reading list?  You know, those painful "classics" that we were forced to read because they were supposed be so good, but were really terrible to read because of the archaic language and tired, dusty old plots?
Well, these are nothing like that.

Resume Generator

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Sadly, not mine.

So, regular readers know how much I love coding up little random generators, right?  Well, this is the same thing, only it's not random and I didn't make it.
I've changed jobs a lot.  I mean, it's unusual that I stay at the same gig more than three years.  So, I've made a lot of resumes, sometimes even customizing them to the particular job I may be applying to at any given moment.  Well, now, you don't have to...
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