Use Your Words

By JKHoffman, 22 December, 2017

As someone who's been the beneficiary of charitable giving, I heartily endorse it!

By JKHoffman, 15 December, 2017

While you read this, I'll be seeing The Last Jedi, in 3D on IMAX.

By JKHoffman, 8 December, 2017

In the Christmas spirit of giving, give the scammers a headache.

By JKHoffman, 30 November, 2017

That's it! National Novel Writing Month is over! Hopefully, you reached your goal for the month and wrote a 50k word novel. Now, set it aside, get some rest and forget about it for at least a month, before you start to revise.

By JKHoffman, 24 November, 2017

So, it's the day after Thanksgiving and you should be at least three-quarters done with your NaNoWriMo novel.

By JKHoffman, 17 November, 2017

I've got even more sci-fi short-film goodness for you this week.