Free Movies

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Some are better than others, but at least they're free.

So, yeah, I'm pretty tapped out when it comes to creativity or creative content this week.  It's kind of been a busy, challenging week in a lot of ways and I just am drained of whatever little bit of creativity I may have this week.  I mean, I'm just out.  But, I post something every Friday, so I'm trying to maintain that little bit of consistency at least.
At least my frustration can be my readers' gain, as I dip into my old list of saved links and see what fun thing I can dredge up for you.

Get Started!

Submitted by JKHoffman on

So, we're a month into the New Year.  What have you done so far?

Last month, I posted my fun, hopefully funny, Random Resolution Generator, because, well, everyone seems to make those annual New Year's Resolutions, but who ever follows through?  As it turns out, almost no one does.  In fact, most people don't even start, much less follow though.  And, really, getting started is everything.

Photography Props

Submitted by JKHoffman on

I've talked a lot about writing this month, so this week, I thought I'd throw in some more photography stuff.

I've actually had these links for some time, but I have never gotten around to either sharing them or even actually trying them myself.  Still, I've never let a lack of personal experience with something stop me from recommending it to others, so I don't see why I should keep me from sharing these two links.

No Excuses!

Submitted by JKHoffman on

There are no excuses for not writing.

Even though I make excuses all the time.
The biggest excuse, or "writerly lie", that I tell myself is that I don't have enough time.  But, honestly, that's bullshit.  Because, as it turns out, I always have enough time to drop whatever I'm doing to serve someone else.  I don't make time for myself and make my writing, or photography, priorities.  My creative pursuits are the first thing to drop by the wayside when I get a little busy or even the slightest bit stressed.

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