Introducing Pressgram

Submitted by JKHoffman on

I've been waiting ages for this iPhone app called Pressgram to go live and it finally has! Why am I so excited? Because I love photography and blogs and this app lets me share both. Basically, it'd like having you're own, private Instagram without having I be a digital sharecropper for either Instagram or Facebook. Hopefully, it will also mean that I post more here! So, here we go! Brace yourselves!
Published via Pressgram

Keine Zeit!

Submitted by JKHoffman on

No time!

That's what I have today, "no time".  No time to write yesterday morning and only barely a few more minutes today, but at least I'm giving it the old "college try" and throwing something vaguely new, if completely uninteresting up today.

But, now I have to run to work!  Maybe something more substantive tomorrow!

Reboot Your Photographic Creativity

Submitted by JKHoffman on

Do you feel stale?

I know I complain about this all the time these days, but my photography, such as it is, feels really, super stale.  I'm completely uninspired and just feel, well, "stuck" when it comes to my creativity in general and my photography in particular.  I have the photographic equivalent of "writer's block".
I have photographer's block!

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